Monday, August 13, 2012

The End

Divorce is NEVER The End...

So, why do those of us who become divorced think it is? Maybe it's because we become comfortable with what we have, Maybe because we're afraid of what's on the other side of that door...

Maybe we just like it here.

6 years ago... After my divorce,  if you asked me where I'd be right now, I'd never in a million years say HERE.

But, I am...and if this is what The End looks like, I love it!

Divorce Dazed is not the first divorce writing I've done, I had a column back at home (in Connecticut where I am from) and there I wrote about how I worked through the process. Divorce Dazed was born later, when I had the desire to share with others what I learned from it, how to laugh about it, and what to do after it. I've been blogging as a whole since October 2010  and at some point along the way, my ability to write and relate to others has grown into 2 more blogsa parenting column in a magazine and now a business

At this point, my divorce has become one of the greatest blessings in my life... 
but on that note, it's also time for more change.

I've accomplished a lot since my divorce and now I'm working on some other goals, like focusing on my flourishing business and my parenting book... so my divorce blogging 'daze' will have to take a back seat to those.

There are 160 posts for you to choose from on Divorce Dazed, and if you're going through a divorce or preparing for one, use the search bar to find some priceless pieces of advice. And... if you're interested in following me on the rest of my journey of the broken, click here... because like I've always said:




I am...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Let Go


If you follow the instructions,
it will feel like you are walking off a cliff...
Do it anyway, 
it's worth the ride.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Bless the Broken Road of Life (and Divorce)

There was a death in my family recently.
I had to travel out of state for it,
 so I spent a lot of time in the car.

It gave me time to think...

The death was difficult for me
and brought up a lot of memories 
(both good and bad).

It led me to remember where I came from, 
how I got here, 
and everything which happened in between.
And, for a while, I felt sad and sorry for all those bumps in the road....
but, then I realized...

They all led me 
and 'here' is where I'm supposed to be.

You're divorce is part of your destiny; you cannot change it,
but you can be grateful for it.

Today, make a list of at least 3 amazing reasons why you are divorced (or on the broken road).

Here are my 3 amazing reasons for the broken roads in my life:
1) My 3 Beautiful Children 
2 ) The Woman/Parent I Have Become
3) My Amazing New Husband

Monday, July 23, 2012

Time Heals You Both (and Changes Who You Are)

There's an old saying:
 'time heals all wounds'...
 and it's true.
But, there's something else it does...
It changes people.

Divorce can leave a person feeling lost and not know who they are...
There's a delicate balance between finding you and creating the new you.

Here are Five Ways to Become Genuine, New Person After Divorce:

Do things you used to love
Try new things
Revisit old friends
Reconnect with family
Stay close to those you trust
Read books that support personal growth
Take a vacation (alone)
Start a journal
Forgive yourself
Celebrate life
Accept the past, look to the future

'Time cures sorrows and squabbles, because we all change and are no longer the same person.

Neither the offender nor the offended is the same.'

~ Blaise Pascal

Monday, July 16, 2012

Why Does Divorce Have to Be the End of Everything?

Divorce is the end of our marriage,
 and a chapter in our lives,
But, it doesn't have to be the end of our world, 
our life,
or our happiness!


'Nobody can go back and start a new beginning...

Anyone can start today and make a new ending.'
-Maria Robinson



dare to dream after divorce....

Monday, July 9, 2012

A Funny Divorce Quote and A Note to Young Lovers

"Whenever I date a guy I think, 'Is this the man I want my children to spend their weekends with?' - Rita Rudner

This quote was funny to me at first, because Rita Rudner is funny, and I'm divorced with children.

But, then I realized, a young woman in love usually dreams about the opposite:
 'Will this guy be a good father and husband?'

That's when I thought this quote was scary.

It's not only imperative that my children choose the right partner for life/marriage, because I want them to be happy and have a healthy relationship and children, if they choose this lifestyle,
but also because divorce is a free right, and very commonly done in the U.S., 
so I want them to consider their rough patches in a more serious light, prior to marriage.

They need to ask themselves, 'If I don't like this now, how will it be if I wind up divorced from this person (which is a dirty business) and co-parenting for the rest of my life with them...

A Note for All Young Loves and Potential Marriages:
It doesn't get better after marriage and it surely won't get better after divorce...
Please pay attention to signs, red flags and issues...

No amount of love and wedding bells, or children, will fix these things.
And, it would be better to reevaluate now, before you live the rough patch, for the rest of your life, 
and as that person's worst enemy because then it's even less fun.

Not a downer, 
just the truth.

Marriage is serious business.
And should not be taken lightly.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Are You Worried Your Divorce Is Destroying Your Children?

If you're divorced with kids, you might still be battling the guilt that goes with being divorced. But, I want to let you know, you shouldn't let it eat you alive.

First of all, it's already done, and you can't go back and change things.

Secondly, according to a piece written by Mary Parke regarding a research study done by CLASP (Center for Law and Social Policy), it's possible that the quality of the parent's relationship can be more significant in your children's life, than divorce.

Even though I've always thought this was true, (hence why I left my 'X') it's one of those things most people like to see in writing before they believe it...

This is what I've always thought: 
"How could it be better for a kid (or kids) to deal with horrible repeat fights, constant underlying stress and the discord between two parents, over a divorce?" I just could never believe it was, and I worried that my children would grow up witnessing our continued mistakes then go out and repeat them...

Here's the article:
Doesn’t the Quality of the Relationship Matter More Than the Piece of Paper?

The quality of the relationship between parents matters to child well-being. Children who grow up in married families with high conflict experience lower emotional well-being than children who live in low-conflict families, and they may experience as many problems as children of divorced or never-married parents.47 Research indicates that marital conflict interferes with the quality of parenting. Furthermore, experiencing chronic conflict between married parents is inherently stressful for children, and children learn poor relationship skills from parents who aren’t able to solve problems amicably. When parents have a highly discordant relationship, children are often better off in the long run if their parents divorce. Between 30 and 40 percent of divorces of couples with children are preceded by a period of chronic discord between the parents. In these situations, children do better when their parents divorce than if they stay married.48 

Seems that if parents who absolutely cannot get a long at all, go through with divorce, they help children avoid learning the ill-handled conflict and poor relationship and communication habits. (Hence why it's best to get help to learn how to improve these, but it's not all parents benefit from it, which leads us back to the divorce option.)

In my own personal case, I know that this time around in my second marriage, my children see two adults dealing with our disagreements better. We are not perfect, but we do handle our disagreements better and communicate more successfully than my first husband and I did. Although I did feel very guilty after my divorce because I really thought I might be messing up my kids, I have learned that they are witnessing a much healthier relationship, and will benefit from this today, and always. Hopefully, I will help them break the cycle. (That was the goal.)

What made you feel guilty about your divorce?

How do you think your children have benefited through the divorce?

Monday, June 18, 2012

Three Types of Divorcees

All people are in one of three categories:

1. They are just coming out of a storm.
2. They are right in the middle of a storm.
3. They are heading for a storm.

This is a quote by David Uth

It's a basic motivational quote,
but can easily be adapted to all the divorcees in the world.

Regardless of where you're at in your divorce, 
the sun always comes back out after the storm...

Storm Passing by Donna Blackhall @

Monday, June 11, 2012

How About A Little More Faith For Your Healing? (Video)

I know from experience, it's impossible to heal on our own power, alone.

This blog post, written by a fellow blogger, says it so much better:

'Once we make the decision to allow God to heal, 
He begins to show you the reasons you are hurting.  
Just because He showed me the thing that...'

Monday, June 4, 2012

Did You Know the Postman's Divorced?

I bet you didn't.

Unless you got onto that topic of conversation, of course.

Well, I did, and was surprised when he told me.

But should I have been?

Because supposedly, one in every two marriages ends in divorce, and according to a study I read on divorce by country, 4.95 people per thousand are divorced in America.

I completely believe divorce is just one of those things that's going to be around for as long as mistakes are....not that I like it...because I don't...but I grew up with it, did it, and well...

This is my thought:

Considering errors have been in existence for (oh, let's say) forever...I'm afraid that divorce isn't going anywhere. (Unless our government decides to take that freedom away from us too.)


We are human,
  and at the mercy of a powerful driving force which is not always looking our for us; our brain.

The Craziness:
Love...and our powerhouse of a mind...
Yes, that's right, our deep desires, our incredible love for acceptance and affection... our own ability to justify, accept, and deny problems...all actions which can lead to mistakes. Sometimes, mistakes in love.

We don't do it because we want divorce...on the contrary, we do it because we have hope...

Another part of human nature...

Monday, May 28, 2012

How to Know When It's Wrong Before Marriage, and Avoid Divorce

Although this is a post divorce blog,
and I am divorced...
I'd still love to see the divorce rate decrease,
so I occasionally write about marriage...

                                                      (If you still want to go through with it,
                                                 this cake topper can be found at:

I never believed this quote by Groucho Marx:

Marriage is the chief cause of divorce....

But, I guess it could have some merit considering what I know now.

In a past post on my other blog I wrote
This article will help 
you know if it's wrong.

Monday, May 21, 2012

A Divorce Statistic I Don't Buy

It's long been said that those who live together first, then marry, will have a higher chance of divorce.

According to this article :

1. Higher Divorce Rate
Perhaps the most compelling and widespread argument against living together before marriage is that several researchers say it increases the risk of breaking up. Virtually all studies of this topic have shown that the chance of divorce is significantly greater for married couples who lived together first. And in 1992, the National Survey of Families and Households found that, in 3,300 families, married couples who had lived together first were judged to be 46 percent more likely to get divorced.

After my divorce in 2006, this type of study (and outcomes) were still leaning towards this being true, though I never really believed it. Although my 'X' and I did live together first, I never thought that had anything to do with our divorce.

Living together first would actually put you in a better position I'd think.

I have always said that you never really know someone until you live with them. I'd have to imagine that if you are able to live with someone first, you would have the chance to get to know them better, then decide better whether or not should marry them.

(It's true: everyone has an outward face or personality and some things many people including our close friends might not know about us. We all put on our best when we are out with others and the only way to deeply know a person is to live with them day in and day out. That way you see their habits- both good and bad.)

This way, if you live with someone and suddenly cannot stand them, chances are you won't marry them, and in turn, won't be getting divorced.

While writing this, I wanted to see if the old statistics are still being pushed... so I looked up some more recent stats on 'live-together-before-marriage-leads-to-higher-divorce rates'... and I found this.

Hmmm... sure does sound more logical (and more accurate).

Monday, May 14, 2012

It Can Be Good When Everything Changes (Video)

Sometimes it seems impossible to appreciate lost love...
 But I learned a long time ago from a good friend,
that we need to appreciate all things 
which happen to us;
 even the bad ones.

'Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
~ Dr. Seuss

Today make a list of ten good things that came out of your Divorce.

Come on...I know you can do it.

If I can, you can:

My 10 Good Things:

1. My 3 amazing children
2. My new life and career
3. My stronger sense of self
4. Our many years of fun and freedom when young love was simple and easy
5. The fact that my 'X' taught me to order something different off the menu every time I eat out
6. 2 years of being a stay at home Mom (probably the most priceless experience besides giving birth)
7. My amazing 2nd husband
8. My renewed trust in God
9. Increased inner strength, self confidence and self respect
10. The ability to help better educate my children on 'life'

Someone else once said to me that 'Nothing is a loss'...

Monday, April 30, 2012

A Must See Video if You Want to Move On After Divorce

There are so many messages within this video. 

One of my favorites is at the very end:
"Leave the past behind and embrace the present"

Monday, April 23, 2012

Should Divorce Change the Way You Parent?

I never really liked the assumptions that I used to get in the beginning of my divorce. I especially disliked the comments I received, and sometimes still do:

"Well, I know you can understand, because you're divorced, and obviously as a single mom, you parent your children differently now." (People were referring to spoiling my children after divorce.)

After hearing that a few times, without much reply (because I was busy denying it), I actually had to wonder: "Do I really parent my kids differently after their dad and I separated? Do I spoil them?"

I've always been an involved, loving, compassionate, firm, no-nonsense, communicative mother.
 ~That's who I was before the divorce, and I'd like to think that's how I am now.

"I parent the same"...I still want what's best for them, I still explain to them the facts of life, the troubles ahead and the importance of decisions. I still spend quality time with them, laugh, play and bake chocolate chip cookies. So what gives!?

I guide and love them the same, as if I were still married to their dad.....
The logistics have changed, that's all.

Except, after I thought about it more, I had to admit, I might parent a little differently since the split almost seven years ago....

I MIGHT avoid sugar coating things even more now...

I MIGHT reveal more of myself than I did before...

AndI MIGHT take their errors to a whole new level of importance...

Because, I feel I need to drive home the fact that some mistakes are bigger than others...but all in all, I'm still me....AND, I still DON'T let them get away with murder, have everything they want or treat me with disrepect.

Do not feel shame or remorse because of your divorce, and never feel that you need to 'make it up to them'.  Kids can become dependent on that and feed off of it; using it to their advantage. Children are resilient, and with enough love and faith in their lives, they will be okay. You need, now, more than ever, to keep things on an even keel and assure them that you are still you, and they are still them

Use Divorce as a great time to get real with your kids. When parent's are not perfect, it create's an opportunity to explain how and why you messed up, what you learned and what you might have done differently. If you do this, there's a good chance you can help them break the cycle.

Tips on How to Parent Your Child After Divorce:

Continue being yourself as a single parent.

Monday, April 16, 2012

A Mother's Letter to her 'X's Second Wife...


I am speechless...(that doesn't happen very often).

In doing some weekend reading on divorce, 
I revisited a site I feel covers important topics.

This letter absolutely left me speechless...

It says it precisely...
I had absolutely nothing to add...


That Woman

Monday, April 9, 2012

What it Takes to Be Friends with Your 'X'

Not all divorcee's need to be friends.

If they already split the stuff, paid the bills and divided up the pets, they can essentially just move on, and possibly never speak to one another again.

For divorced parents, it is not that simple.

My parents were never friends....though I wish they had been.
The divorce itself was already stressful enough, drop-off's were even worse, and I hated it.

My current husband was very lucky, his father and mother were very mature. They were kind to one another and put themselves, and their troubles, aside for the children.

That's how it should be done. 
No one's better, no one's the winner or loser;
just two parents loving their children.

If parents can think and act this way, kids get the best of both parents and they feel they can talk to, and trust both of them, and won't fear getting caught in the middle.

In Successful Co-Parenting parents must remember, it's about communication, flexibility, cooperation and love....

It is the children's best interest which should always be at the forefront of the matter, moment and mood....hence why the court papers state this.

Let's not forget:

It took two to fall in love,
It took two to get married,
It took two to create the child.

It took two to reduce the marriage,
It took two to divorce,
And, it will take two to be friends....
and work together for the betterment of the child.

Ways to help divorced parents work together:


If your 'X' is uncooperative, manipulative, 
unfair, unwilling to work together, unable to communicate,
or is unkind, you can only assume that they have not yet reached that point of peace with the divorce as you have. 

You will not be able to be friends with this person until they mature, forgive and find peace. And it's possible that it may never happen.

But, you can take these steps for your children's peace and well-being:

Or maybe you need to seek some advice from the experienced:

How do you successfully Co-Parent?

Monday, April 2, 2012

My Anniversary

Last year, when I started Divorce Dazed, it was the last of the babies born to my collection of blogs, and as it reaches it's first anniversary, I'm evaluating it, and its content, just as I've done with the others.

Some have asked me why I glorify divorce, others wonder why I want to stay stuck in the past by continuing to write about my divorce....and...why I wouldn't just want to get on with my life?

Well, first let me start by saying that if you've ever been divorced with children, you'd know that there is no easy way of 'forgetting my divorce' and 'getting on with life'. It will always be a part of my life for as long as I am alive. But, with that being said, it's been six years since the ink dried on my decree (seven if you count the separation and legal procedures) and I have to say that I think I've pretty much moved on. I've grown a lot since then. I don't blame anyone for my marriage ending, I like and accept who I am, I am independent, decided to relocate 600 miles away from my home state to begin my life over, and have continued to raise my children well. They are happy and healthy and our home life is very stable and loving. Recently, I even got re-married, (not that re-marrying indicates healing, because it doesn't: read more), but I think it's safe to say: I'm over it.

Secondly, anyone who reads my DD Disclaimer knows that my mission never is to encourage those in 'difficult' marriages to separate. Divorce is a personal choice, and unless it's absolutely necessary, you should stay married to your spouse, stick it out, and seek help.

Unfortunately, though, in some cases even after working to repair the marriage, it's still necessary for divorce. Divorce is not inevitable, but it does happen, and will continue to as long as it is a legal right. (I give it about fifteen to twenty more years before it's at risk of being challenged.)

When I got married to my first husband seventeen years ago, I never imagined that my fairytale wedding and marriage would end in divorce. Though, sadly it did.

I began Divorced Dazed, because I was painfully aware that there's not much out there for divorce support other than lot's of p-o'd people  cussing about their  'X's, and too many websites offering nasty legal advice.

If you follow my blog, you know I'm not dwelling, complaining or staying stuck in the past...I write to help put things into perspective for those encountering their divorce 'daze'.

I thought ten years of being married was a feat. I was proud of that, and I hated to give it up by divorcing my husband, but it was clear, that after that many years together, the depth of our relationship was just not there like it should be. I'm afraid it never was, because now with my current husband I have what I thought marriage should have been like all along, and in a short amount of time.

Like comparing the quality of my first ten years of marriage with my 'X', to my short second marriage; quantity did not mean quality.

That goes for this blog as well.

As ten years of marriage does not equal a healthy relationship, three blog posts a week does not mean great information. I've decided to better service Divorce Dazed readers decreasing the quantity of weekly posts from three, to one. Monday's posts will now have deeper topics, more guidance, and exercises, to help you with your life transition. With this change, I hope it leaves readers feeling more empowered with motivation and inspiration than ever before, and just like divorce: It's not the end, it's just a new beginning.

Thank you for supporting Divorce Dazed and I hope you will evolve with me.
Feel free to share your thoughts and suggest topics which are important to you.
See you next Monday!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Fun Friday: Trash It!

NO! Not your 'X's car! 

That's just a waste of your time, and your 'X' will know it was you anyway.

Trash something you both shared.

Why in the world do I suggest this, and then act like it's a good thing? 

Because, I just trashed something else that was ours back when my 'X' and I were married and it felt fabulous!

Believe it or not, after almost seven years of being separated, I just finally threw away my cordless phone.

Why didn't I throw it away sooner? I'm not sure, I guess I didn't realize I still had it!

That makes me laugh out loud! 

What's even more funny, is that the old numbers of locals (back then it was another state!) were still saved in memory!

Want to have a Fun Friday?
 Share with me what you threw out of your's when you were married
felt good while doing! 
(No stories about Wedding Dresses or Rings please-those make me sad.)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to Deal...During Divorce

Sometimes, when things are upside down, it's just better to admit they are,
than try to pretend they're not...

Check out this blog post to see:

#4 is crucial....

Monday, March 26, 2012

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Best Divorce is....Not What You Expect

“The worst reconciliation is better than the best divorce”
-Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Time Goes By Too Slow After Divorce

I used to think that time was my enemy. 

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick….tock.
The seconds, minutes and hours continuously counting down… pressuring me to make a decision, accomplish something or be somewhere. I was constantly in a race to get to where I wanted to be; literally and figuratively.
But, after my divorce, I noticed that time could also work in the opposite way as well.
When we are waiting in line for something, most of us feel that the time just doesn’t pass by quick enough... When we’re in pain, it always feels like the time will never pass...
One night, after my divorce, I felt triumphant, though still hopeless.
I had done it! I had divorced my husband. I had gone back to work after being a stay at home mom for two years. I had successfully made it through a twelve month legal battle and I was happy! 

So why was so uneasy?
Because, I felt like the clock of life was going too fast. I had no idea what was next...but that clock kept ticking. Going too slow to erase the pain, but too fast for me to catch up on life's plans.
That was over six years ago and to look back and think about it now seems silly to worry about today...
So, here I am; it is March of 2012 and it I realized now that time was never the enemy... always my friend...and a true gift. Time was a tool; patience and faith the key.
I'm right where I'm supposed to be, and although difficult, it's been a glorious journey. 
I was eager for results and too quickly wanted to arrive somewhere..
But I see that when we are patient, we give ourselves the necessary opportunities and experiences we require, to become who we are meant to be... as well as where we are meant to be…
Our destiny, if you will.
So, after your divorce, don't be pressured by the tick-tick-tock of the clock. Be thankful you have that extra time to heal, make choices,  change your mind, grow as a person, or fix a mistake.

Time really is on your side...

Time is a Gift, Use it Wisely
Be thankful that you have that extra time to say you’re sorry, change your mind, grow as a person or fix a mistake.