Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Huffinton Post Delivers Divorce

I have a Twitter account.

I follow various motivational people, sports blogs and news blogs.

One Tweeter I follow is The Huffington Post.

I like that they give me up-to-date world news that I'm interested in and update frequently.

I've noticed over the past several months that they have created a few spin-off accounts on Twitter.

Diversifying is smart.

One of them seems to be entertainment, one is your common news, one is urgent news, and one seems to be a crazy-unbelievable-risque-based or comedy style one (I haven't really visited this one much to tell you the truth).

Their newest is: Huffington Post Divorce

The Huffington Post Divorce section of the Huffington Post online paper, it seems, has been published for a while, though I feel that it's just now made it to Twitter. (Could be me?)

 It's about time divorce is being acknowledged as a part of many people's lives. We might just be getting rid of the stigmas and dirty looks...

What a lot of people don't realize as they are glaring in the direction of a that like a flat may not happen to everyone...and you figure if you have new tires and rotate them'll never be caught on the side of the highway in the rain...

As well as you could be very educated, wealthy, and prepare yourself and your relationship with your spouse so solidly, that you think it could never happen...but odds are, if you're unlucky enough, someday it may just happen to you, regardless of what you do.

Hopefully it does not...I don't wish divorce on my worst enemy...

But maybe, someday, it will be more accepted than it has been...

Seems it's headed that way.

Check out Huffington Post-Divorce

(If you are interested in following me on Twitter I am @Ambinspiration)

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