Wednesday, July 6, 2011

You Don't Go Through Divorce...You Grow Through It

Before someone gets married they tend to have a vision of who'll they'll become once they are wed.

Once they are married, some people change their names, their locations and even their professions.
Some become parents and change who they are all together.

I did all of the above.

Then, after ten years of marriage I was facing divorce and it was time for me to step back and see who I was, and who I wanted to be.

It was a time for a new beginning and  it was actually kind of scary.

Many of my friends were still married and most of them had always known me as D's wife and Mrs. G.

Once divorced, I wondered who I would be to them...and myself.

I wasn't sure how to go back to being the me from before I was married.

Frankly, I don't think there is a divorcee out there who doesn't question who they are when in the midst of the split.

Divorce makes you reevaluate what you like to do, what habits you have. what friends you keep and even makes you question your style especially if you were accommodating the 'X' more often then your self.

It took several years for me to return to the old me after my divorce and it required many months of self-reflection and soul searching to figure out what mattered to me. Unfortunately it required me to yet again venture back in time to the beginning of my marriage and find out what went wrong...because that's where the clues were.

In the end I realized I didn't have to be so afraid....

My divorce didn't take away who I was, it actually made me more of who I am.

I am me, just better...


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