Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Today is Not Forever

Do you remember that AWFUL splinter you got when you were 5!?
You know the one-when your uncle was building his house and you walked across some boards with your bare feet??


Well you certainly remember that time you had the most DREADFUL stomach virus!? That one which kept you home from school and caused you to miss your baseball game?


Okay...Surely you remember that time you stubbed your toe on the deck of your grandmother's pool on fourth of July when you were 11?

Still No?

I know.

You probably won't be to remember those moments of pain.

It was so long ago.

Pain seems excruciating while we are experiencing it, doesn't it though?
Sometimes the agony seems as if it will never end.

It's like being a 9 year old kid who broke their arm at the beginning of summer.
Not only did it hurt like heck, but MAN does it feel like it's going to be a VERY LONG three months!

The pain of divorce can be much like that.
Long, painful, often unbearable....and seemingly takes FOREVER to get through (and get over).

Well, the bad news is, there's no way out of the discomfort that comes with most most divorces....
The good news is it won't last forever.

I am the type of person who looks for motivation and inspiration every chance I get. (I need it.)
So when I was going through my divorce, my name had changed, and so I ordered new checks.
When I did, I decided to have this little quote printed on my checks: Today is Not Forever.

It reminded me that I was not going to remember many of those painful days in the years to come.

Just like a splinter, a stomach bug or a broken arm, the pain eventually diminishes with time...the wound heals and life seems renewed.

This past Monday was my 5th year anniversary of being divorced (6 if you count the long year of court battles)...and you know, I almost missed realizing what day June 6th was...

I was right....those days didn't last forever...


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