Monday, May 16, 2011

10 Things to Do While Your Kids are at the 'X's

When parents are divorced they usually end up having some sort of scheduled visitation arrangement; where each parent has the kids during designated times.

If you are used to your kids being around a lot, like I am, you may tend to find yourself at a loss for things to do when the kids go to the 'X's.

I remember the times just before they left when I'd think: 'Yikes! What do I do while the kids are gone?'
And for about two years they would be gone for six weeks at a time. It was pure h-e-double-hockeysticks.

I've been divorced for several years now and I am just finally dealing with it better. I look forward to the little breaks. (Of course they are usually only one week at a time except for in the summer where it's six).

If you have a hard time filling your days when the kids are having time with your 'X', and you just aren't sure what to do without your children around, just relax and enjoy the You-time. (This is  a great time for self-discovery!)

Try some of these:

  • Go to a movie ( my favorite thing to do on holidays alone is to go see a movie) and you can do it without the kids so you can essentially see any movie you want.
  • Clean their room haha! You laugh, but it’s the best time to chuck stuff in the trash!
  • Go to the beach
  • Go for walks
  • Nap (another ha ha-since with kids around a nap is practically impossible!)
  • Go biking
  • Travel
  • Go out with friends
  • Take up a hobby (revisit your old hobbies you may have pushed aside due to parenting responsibilities, dust off golf clubs, get back to scrap booking)
  •  Write that novel!-Or read one! (or pursue whatever dream that you want!)
  • Go shopping even if it's just for groceries (No one will be asking for anything-or sneaking things into your shopping cart!)
There are probably thousands of things you could do other than what is on this... these are just a few.
Why not get a notebook and fill it with a bucket-list of sorts. This way, when the kids are gone, and the house is quiet, you can pick up that notebook and easily choose something that interests you. never having to worry about being bored or lonely.

It worked for me!


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